Have you ever considered joining our school's LSAT?

The DC LSAT Collective is hosting an informational Zoom meeting for anyone who might be interested in joining our school's Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) for the coming '24-'25 school year. The meeting is on Tuesday, April 9 from 7:00-8:15pm on Zoom (Meeting ID: 846 3205 6637).

If you want to understand what it's like to serve on the LSAT, and why it's valuable to do so, you are invited to attend the meeting to learn more!

What is an LSAT? It's a group of elected and appointed members that exists for every DCPS school. LSAT members advise the principal on matters that promote high expectations and high achievement for all students. LSATs are a key lever to increasing transparency and ensuring decisions are made collaboratively with the help of a diverse group of school stakeholders.

What is the DC LSAT Collective? It's a volunteer-run group open to LSAT members from all DC public schools, whose mission is to be a resource and support system to help all DC LSATs. Learn more at http://bit.ly/dclsat

We hope you'll join on April 9 to learn more!


Help Deal Plan for SY 24-25!


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