Knitting and Crochet Club Begins on Tuesday

Knitting and Crochet Club begins this Tuesday, September 26 in COT6 from 3:30 - 4:30 pm.  We have lots of yarn that people from around DC donated, but we are in short supply of needles! If possible, please have your student come with a pair of their own needles or crochet hook.

For Knitting:  Size 10 wood needles are ideal for learning. Not too long.

For Crochet:  More flexibility, but in general smaller = more advanced.

If​ your student would like to bring their own yarn, we recommend bulky weight for knitters, acrylic or cotton. Beginners do not need to start with high-end wool.  You can easily find these on Amazon, at Walmart, Michael's, or the really fun knitting store in Dupont (much nicer yarns, lots of inspiration) is Looped Yarn Works on Connecticut Ave. If they don't have their own needles by Tuesday, don't fret! We will make it work. Can't wait to see all our future fiber artists!


7th Grade Lunch Time Science Club


Deal Picture Days are Here!